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Viale dell'Industria, 96/A
36015 Schio (VI) - ITALY




How to reach us

Follow the directions

To reach Domino’s, exit at the Thiene-Schio highway exit (A31 Valdastico Highway) and at the first traffic circle take the second exit towards Schio. Continue straight on Via dell’Autostrada for about 6 km, passing two traffic circles, again in the direction of Schio. After about 3 km take the first exit on the right in the direction of Schio-Zona industriale (Via Maestri del Lavoro).Go straight on and take the 3rd exit on the right (Zona industriale 1).

At the eight-way traffic circle on Industry Avenue keep right and after 100 meters turn immediately right. Follow the main road, go under the overpass of the road you just drove on, take the ramp in front of you. Domino’s is around the corner!

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